Winter Bundle
Winter Bundle
Winter Bundle
Winter Bundle
Winter Bundle
Winter Bundle
Winter Bundle
Winter Bundle
Winter Bundle
Winter Bundle
Winter Bundle
Winter Bundle

Winter Bundle

Bilal Marton
@bilal_kamarieh, @marton.dardai und 60.000 weitere Fussballer vertrauen MATCHDAY NUTRITION®
Fit durch den Winter und mit Vollgas in die Rückrunde!
  • 💪 20g Protein pro Portion
  • Stärkt Immunsystem & Herz-Kreislauf 🛡️
  • Für Muskeln, Bänder & Gelenke 💪

Nur 0,66€ pro Portion!

Regular price CHF 83.00 Sale priceCHF 67.00
Tax included.


PROTEIN Cookie Dough

Erbsenprotein, Favabohnenprotein, Aroma, Reisprotein, Sonnenblumenprotein, Verdickungsmittel (Guarkernmehl, Xanthan), Ashwagandhawurzel-Extrakt (Withania Somnifera), Kakaopulver, Meersalz, Multienzymkomplex (Maltodextrin, Amylase, Protease, β-D-Galactosidase, Lipase, Cellulase), Süßungsmittel (Sucralose), Trennmittel (Siliciumdioxid)

Nahrungsergänzungsmittel mit Kurkuma-, Weihrauch-, und Pinienrinden Extrakt, Vitaminen und Mineralien.

Calciumhydroxid, Weihrauch Extrakt, Kurkuma Extrakt, Pinienrinden Extrakt, Vitamin D3, Vitamin K2 (Menaquinone-7), Mangangluconat, Natriumborat, Schwarzer Pfeffer Extrakt

Hinweis: Kühl und trocken lagern. Die angegebene empfohlene tägliche Verzehrmenge darf nicht überschritten werden. Nahrungsergänzungsmittel dienen nicht als Ersatz für eine ausgewogene und abwechslungsreiche Ernährung und gesunde Lebensweise. Für Kinder nicht empfohlen. Außerhalb der Reichweite von kleinen Kindern lagern.

Nahrungsergänzungsmittel mit Acerola Pulver Extrakt, Schwarzer Knoblauch Pulver Extrakt, Coenzym Q10, L-Glutathion, Ingwer Extrakt, Vitaminen und Mineralien.

Acerola Pulver-Extrakt, Schwarzer Knoblauch Pulver-Extrakt, Coenzym Q10, L-Glutathion, Ingwer Extrakt, Zink Bisglycinate, Eisen, Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol), L-Selenomethionine, Vitamin K2, Vitamin E, Schwarzer Pfeffer Extrakt, Vitamin B3 (Niacin), Vitamin B5 (Calcium
D-Pantothenate), Vitamin A (Retinol), Vitamin B9 (Folsäure), Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), Vitamin B1 (HCL), Kupfer Bisglycinat, Kaliumiodid, Vitamin B7 (Biotin), Vitamin B12

30g Pulver (2 Messlöffel) mit 300ml Wasser oder pflanzlicher Milch mischen. Täglich verzehren.

600g Dose. Enthält 20 Portionen.
29,99€ (49,99€/1kg)

Täglich 3 Kapseln STRONG mit einem Glas Wasser trinken.

Dose enthält 90 Kapseln (30 Portionen).

Täglich 2 Kapseln PROTECT mit einem Glas Wasser trinken.

Dose enthält 60 Kapseln (30 Portionen).


A strong immune system and strong muscles and joints form the basis of your physical performance.

With the help of sports and nutritional physicians and orthopedists, we have developed STRONG & PROTECT specifically for footballers to improve your physical performance.



STRONG & PROTECT formulas contain hundreds of studies and the results of the latest nutritional research. The perfect mix of all important vitamins, minerals, trace elements & co-factors for footballers.

100% natural ingredients

STRONG & PROTECT contain natural acerola, black garlic and ginger extracts, as well as turmeric, frankincense and pine bark extracts. 100% natural ingredients - without unnecessary additives.


PROTECT works on three fronts and lays the foundation for your physical performance:

1.) Strengthening your immune system by detoxifying the body and supplying antioxidants.

2.) Improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system through the targeted supply of nutrients.

3) Improving the energy supply on the cellular level by strengthening the mitochondria - the power plant of your body.

With PROTECT we rely on the anti-inflammatory and detoxifying effect of natural extracts from acerola, black garlic and ginger.

In addition, important vitamins, minerals & co-enzymes such as Q10, glutathione, selenium, iron & zinc are also included.

The formula consists of more than 15 different ingredients that are perfectly adapted to you as a footballer.

PROTECT has an anti-inflammatory and detoxifying effect and provides your cell with important nutrients so that it remains efficient!

We recommend taking PROTECT for at least 4-8 weeks. You should then feel a significant increase in general well-being and performance.

STRONG is the result of the latest joint research for footballers. In development with orthopedists & sports physicians, a formula has been created that noticeably reduces inflammation and pain in joints, tendons & ligaments.

With STRONG we rely on the anti-inflammatory effect of natural extracts from turmeric, frankincense and pine bark.

In addition, important vitamins such as D3 and K2 are included, as well as calcium, boron and manganese.

STRONG has an anti-inflammatory and detoxifying effect. Often acute pain is noticeably alleviated immediately. However, since inflammation is often a gradual process in the body, it takes correspondingly longer to heal.

We recommend taking STRONG for at least 4-8 weeks. You should then feel a clear improvement.

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